CTRS + Role-Playing Game Professional Game Master Therapist - $35 (entry-level) to $80/hr (DOE) (Greater Spokane Area) (Hybrid)
United States
Summary: The Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) Role-Playing Game Professional Game Master (RPGP-GM1) facilitates regular role-playing game sessions with clients, at various client locations and online. This role covers tasks relevant to both the Certified Role-Playing Game Professional certification, and the Therapeutic Game Master / Game Master Therapist roles providing professional Recreational RPG, Entertainment RPG, Educational RPG, and Therapeutic RPG / Role-Playing Game Therapy (RPG Therapy). Must have National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) CTRS (Certified Therapeutic Recreation Therapist) certification. Must have level 1 RPG Professional Certification or RPG Research's Level 1 RPG Professional Diploma, or equivalent proven verifiable training, experience, knowledge, and abilities that meets our high standards of practice. Must be able to work in the greater Spokane, Washington and/or Post Falls / Coeur d'Alene, Idaho "Inland Empire" region. (We will later be also hiring additional staff in other areas of Washington state, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, and Utah).
Arrange and manage RPG Sessions
Facilitate and run RPG Sessions as GM
Contact and coordinate schedules with players
RPG sessions consist of: tabletop (TRPG), live-action (LRPG and larp), electronic (ERPG), and hybrids (RPG).
RPG sessions will meet therapeutic, educational, entertainment or recreational goals as per client requirements
More senior CTRS staff will provide training to new staff and CTRS internships.
Will act as facilitator and instructor for our programs providing training, workshops, and other educational services.
Will comply with our policies and procedures, especially assessment, planning, implementation, evaluiation, documentation, and re- (APIE D R).
We work with ages 2.5 years old through senior adults
We work client with a very broad range of neurodiversity and abilities
We work with at-risk and high-risk populations
We provide services globally
We provide tabletop, live-action, electronic, and hybrid RPG services
Be very flexible about scheduling and location (we often provide programs at client sites and other organizations' facilities under contract)
We are authorized by Washington state to hire minors as employees as young as 14 years old (some restrictions apply).
Begins part-time during probationary period, and ramps up typically to 32 hours per week (maximum 40 hours per week when approved by supervisor - due to work-life balance emphasis, and the cognitive intensity of GMing, we keep your hours in the 30-40 range, avoiding overtime).
May remain part-time if you prefer (discuss during interview), minimum 4-8 hours per week availability required.
Must Have
Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) certification
Level 1 Role-Playing Game Professional Game Master Certification (CRPGP-GM1) or Level 1 Role-Playing Game Master Diploma (RPG-GM1)
Minimum 3 years verifiable active RPG GM experience - average 2 group sessions per month ore more frequently.
Minimum 5 years active RPG player experience
Experience working with a wide range of populations
Experience working with at-risk and/or high-risk populations
Must have own transportation.
Have experience running as GM at least 5 different RPG systems.
What's great in the job?
- Wonderfully supportive, friendly, and caring work environment.
- Incredibly diverse client base from 2 years old through senior adults, with broad demographic, ability, and neuro diversity.
- Environment promotes always learning and growing.
- Life-balance emphasized.
- Flexible scheduling.
- Remote options available (must also be able to provide in-person services as-needed in the greater Spokane region).
- Entry-level $35-40/hr if have both CTRS and CRPGP1 certifications.
- Mid-level $40-80/hr with CTRS, CRPGP2+, other certifications, and 3-10 years experience.
- Senior-level $80-100/hr with CTRS, CRPGP10+, other certifications, and 10-15 years experience.
- Director-level $100-120+/hr with CTRS, CRPGP15+, other certifications, and 15-20 years experience.
- C-level $120-$250+/hr with with all of the above and 20+ years relevant experience.
RPG.LLC is looking for five more exceptional certified therapeutic recreational specialist (CTRS) professional role-playing game master professionals (CRPGP) to join our team helping us deliver world-class, gold-standard, role-playing game sessions for the communities we serve!
Commitment to availability of a minimum 4-8 hours hours per week, up to 32 hours per week (40 hours maximum - we emphasize work-life balance)
Application, Training, & Participation Process
Read about the role, responsibilities, requirements, and commitments on this page: https://rpg.llc/jobs/detail/ctrs-role-playing-game-professional-game-master-therapist-35-95-hr-doe-greater-spokane-area-hybrid-18
Click the Apply Now button.
Complete and send the application form.
Include proof of CRPGP-GM Certificate or RPGP-GM Diploma
Respond to confirmation email verifying your understanding of the terms and conditions your application
Confirm interview appointment (typically 1 to 8+ weeks after application is received).
Pass interview(s).
Accept verbal offer.
Accept and sign our Codes of Conduct, Confidentiality, and Attribution Agreement documents.
Accept email/written offer.
Select and commit to schedule.
Pass background check.
Agree to following our codes of conduct for running programs in your area, and to give full attribution to our works where applicable.
Key Tasks and Responsibilities
Run tabletop RPG (TRPG) sessions at various locations and/or online
Facilitate 1-6 players per session (tabletop), 6-10 electronic RPGers, 10-30 live-action RPGers (with other staff).
Prepare adventures in accordance with our rules and guidelines, including Code of Conduct.
Complete assessment forms when appropriate.
Prepare character sheets for participants to choose from.
Run adventures ranging from "one shots" to ongoing mid-length and long-term campaigns.
Address any group interpersonal issues, and maintain players compliance with RPG Player Code of Conduct.
Strongly self-motivated
Strong collaborative work ethic
Reliable schedule compliance
Facilitate cooperative music and drum circle activities and/or workshops.
Facilitate electronic RPG (ERPG) programs (computer-based, consoles, mobile devices, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Electroencephalogram (EEG) bio-and-neur-feedback as well as Brain-Computer Interface (BCI))
Facilitate hybrid RPG programs (HRPG)
Must pass background check
Assertive (not aggressive) presence with confident, warm, friendly, empathetic, and compassionate communication style.
Optional but helpful:
Experienced theatrical acting skills
Effective voice acting skills
Background in education
Background in therapeutic disciplines
*RPG Formats included in our programs:
tabletop (RPG)
live-action (LRPG & LARP)
electronic (ERPG & CRPG)
hybrids (HRPG, including SABM)
Core Competencies (will train):
Organizational skills
Group dynamics conflict resolution skills
Storytelling skills
Verbal and written communication skills.
Enthusiastic communication style that excites others with your passion about the topics discussed.
"Can do" attitude, and an eye for seeing where people need help before they have to ask.
Outgoing presence.
Well organized approach to preparing for game sessions and tracking participant progress
Passionate supportive energy
Working Conditions
Online and/or in-person sessions, typically ranging between 2-5 hours (including setup and tear-down).
Most training sessions are recorded for safety and quality control purposes.
Game Master may be asked to participate in a variety of locations including but not limited to:
RPG studio(s)
RPG offices
RPG Trailers
Community centers
Educational institutions
Care facilities
Remote work
Long-term care facilities
Rehabilitation centers
Transitional programs
At-risk and/or high-risk populations and locations
Other locations
Job Types:
Part-time, Full-time
The Certified Role-Playing Game Professional Game Master (CRPGP GM) may need to teach new players how to play the applicable role-playing games. Our client demand is absolutely outstripping our capacity to keep up. We need many more qualified certified therapeutic recreation specialists that are also well trained in tabletop, electronic, and/or live-action role-playing gaming as game masters.
We work with a wide range of special needs populations in therapeutic, recreational, and educational settings.
Our programs are heavily NCTRC Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) standards driven.
There are many requirements candidates must meet for this distinctive and rewarding position, so please pay careful attention to the details.
STARTING HOURS: During probationary period 0-4 hours per week (no guaranteed hours, but generally we will only hire you if you can begin working at least one client session per week).
* Probationary period is typically 720 work hours, typically 6 months for full-time, or 1 year for for part-time.
We work with a wide range of populations:
Age groups:
2.5 - 5
5 - 9
9 - 12
Wide range of neurodiverse populations
Brain injury recovery
Rehabilitation transition programs
Wide range of accessibility needs needs populations
Wide range of settings:
Therapeutic / healthcare
Client on-site
* MAXIMUM HOURS: Up to 35 hours per week maximum.
PAYMENT FREQUENCY: Initially once per month on the 5th of each month. Later twice per month.
Must have CTRS
Must have CRPGP Certification or Diploma
Must be able to attend in-person on-site client location sessions in the greater Spokane region
Must have own transportation
Must pass thorough background checks
5+ years relevant work experience
Additional certifications
Prepare to run role-playing game sessions (RPG).
Provide prepared player character sheets for players, including pregenerated when appropriate, or else helping them create their own during "session 0".
Run RPG sessions for clients, including children, adults, and seniors, from a wide range of populations.
Facilitate anywhere from 1-6 players per TRPG session, more for other RPG formats.
Sessions typically last around 3 hours, with 30 minutes setup/preparation before session, and 30 minutes post-session clean up and documentation (typically 4 hours paid per session).
Transportation costs are not provided, though reimbursement for miles to/from client sites (only) may be reimbursed through your own tax deductions with state and IRS, based on IRS guidelines. Options to carpool with other staff may also be an option.
Complete time sheets in timely fashion.
Comply with facilities standards
Administrate, score, and complete reports on, assessments.
Optional remote sessions may be available, but GM must be available locally at least 75% of the time.
Sessions will vary from "1-shots", to ongoing campaigns recurring weekly or every-other week.
Prepare adventures in accordance with our Codes of Conduct, Professional Standards, Rules and Guidelines, Documentation, Established Protocols & Methodologies.
Follow standard APIED/R.
Follow NCTRC CTRS and RPG Therapeutics LLC standards of practice.
Provide and gather player assessment forms and enter into journal system.
Complete GM assessment forms.
Complete/score participant assessment forms.
Complete various assessment and evaluation tools as applicable.
Address any group interpersonal issues, and maintain players compliance with Player Code of Conduct.
REQUIRED: Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS)
REQUIRED: English language proficiency
Preferred: At least 1 year experience working with other populations with a variety of special needs.
Preferred: At least 1 year experience working with senior adult populations
Optional But Worth Noting In Application
Preferred: Working knowledge/experience with playing 1+ music instruments, especially percussion.
Preferred: Working knowledge/experience with music therapy.
10+ years overall game master experience in wide range of settings.
Other RPG Related certifications/training.
Recreation / event management training/certification.
Other languages proficiency
Prefer American Sign Language (ASL) proficiency
Prefer Spanish language proficiency
Prefer Russian language proficiency
Prefer Japanese language proficiency
Music Therapist, Board Certified.
Ideal Candidate (Not required, but dream candidate for highest wages):
Exceptional Therapeutic Recreation Specialist skills and professionalism
Exceptional GM organization skills and professionalism
Exceptional RPG player group dynamics conflict resolution skills
Exceptional storytelling skills
Exceptional verbal and written communication skills.
Exceptional facilitation skills.
Strong general organization skills.
Strong logging skills
Strong documentation skills
Strong assessment skills
Enthusiastic communication style that excites others with your passion.
“Can do” attitude, and an eye for seeing where people need help before they have to ask.
Outgoing presence.
Well organized approach to preparing for game sessions and tracking participant progress
Passionate supportive energy
Empathetic, compassionate, and supportive
Typical questions:
How many years of at risk populations experience do you have?
How many years of music therapy experience do you have?
How many years of other non Dungeons & Dragons experience do you have?
How many years of overall game master rpg experience do you have?
How many years of tabletop game master role-playing game rpg experience do you have?
How many years of working in long term care facilities experience do you have?
How many years of working with ADHD experience do you have?
How many years of working with adults 18-65 experience do you have?
How many years of working with Autism Spectrum ASD / PDD experience do you have?
How many years of working with children ages 5-9 experience do you have?
How many years of working with incarcerated populations experience do you have?
How many years of working with learning disabilities experience do you have?
How many years of working with people with physical disabilities experience do you have?
How many years of working with senior adults experience do you have?
How many years of working with special needs populations experience do you have?
How many years of working with youth ages 10-17+ experience do you have?
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Do you have the following license or certification: CTRS?
Do you speak American Sign Language?
Do you speak English?
Do you speak Spanish?
Are you authorized to work in the following country: United States?
Are you willing to undergo a background check, in accordance with local law/regulations?
Which shifts are you available to work?