Role-Playing Game Professional (RPGP) Training Credentials Verification & Validation

The RPGP Programs Offer 4 Types of Training Validation & Continuance: Authentication, Certification, Diploma, & CEUs

Professional Verification is Important! Role-Playing Game Professional Authorized Service Providers (RPGP-ASP), like RPG.LLC, provide 4 levels of training and competence credentials validation:

  • RPGP Verification and Validation (V&V) (previously "Authorization")

  • RPGP Certification

  • RPGP Diploma


Authentication just verifies and validates individual training sessions were attended and completed, and is not a certification. These do not expire. These can be checked at the website by Role-Playing Game Professional Authentication Identification number (RPGP-AIN).

Certification is an accumulation of met requirements, including multiple Authenticated training sessions among other prerequisites. These require annual criminal background checks to maintain current certification and these expire every 5 years (unless CEUs requirements met). These can be checked at the website by Role-Playing Game Professional Certification Identification Number (RPGP-CIN).

Diploma is an accumulation of met requirements, including multiple certifications, multiple Authentications, and other requirements. These do not expire, however the associated certifications (highest one achieved) do require annual background checks and 5-year renewal requirements as with all certifications. Diplomas are major milestones and proof of extensive training, knowledge, and applicable experience that has life-long benefits. These can be checked at the website by Role-Playing Game Professional Diploma Identification Number (RPGP-DIN).

Accreditation: Some of our training sessions, workshops, videos, and RPGP CEUs may also count as CEUs from/for ATRA and NCTRC and maintenance of the Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) certifications.

CEUs: We provide professional Continuing Education Units (CEUs), and we may accept other relevant CEUs from authorized professional organizations like the American Therapeutic Recreation Association, National Council on Therapeutic Recreation Certification, and Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Actual CEU totals provided can be checked at the www.rpgpros website by Role-Playing Game Professional CEU Identification Number (RPGP-CEUIN)

Degree. As the RPGP is not (yet) an accredited educational institute program recognized by colleges and universities, we cannot yet offer a degree program. It is possible in the future such an option may become available.

Instance verify a professional's credentials through the Role-Playing Game Professionals Website to see if a practitioners credentials are valid and curren 


RPGP Authentication

Anyone that attends, and completes, a full training workshop or session, will receive a document validating their training. This document is known as the RPGP Authentication Document.

These are important for validating CEU requirements met for certification renewals.

These are often useful for employees to provide to their employer for proof of attendance and completion of a given workshop or training session for reimbursement by their employer.

These are also used cumulatively for aspiring practitioners working toward their RPGP Certification or Diploma. They are proof of meeting the requirements along the lengthy path toward receiving the RPGP Certifications or RPGP Diplomas.

The trainee receives a printable electronic copy via email, and an electronic record of their training is kept in the RPGP-ASP's training database, as well as synced to the central RPG Professionals database at

RPGP Certification

The RPGP Certifications require multiple training sessions, supervisor and peer-review works, and validated hands-on experience.
One or more Final Exams must be passed in addition to all of the other prerequisites for each certificate before an RPGP candidate receives full certification.
Each certification is valid for 5 years as long as the practitioner maintains their annual background checks. They can keep their existing certification longer than 5 years if they attend and accumulate sufficient CEUs appropriate to their level of certification during that 5 year period, showing continuing update of their knowledge and skills. There is an annual renewal fee for certificate renewal every 5 years.

All certifications must be kept current through:

  • Annual Background Checks: Annual verified criminal background checks

  • CEUs: Sufficient Continuing Education Units CEUs during every 5-year period

  • Fees: Paying certification renewal fee every 5 years (or reinstatement fees for lapsed certifications, in addition to any other reinstatement requirements)

RPGP Diploma

The RPGP Diplomas are an accumulation of met requirements, including multiple certifications, multiple Authentications, and other requirements. These do not expire, however the associated certifications (highest one achieved) do require annual background checks and 5-year renewal requirements as with all certifications. Diplomas are major milestones and proof of extensive training, knowledge, and applicable experience that has life-long benefits.


We provide professional Continuing Education Units (CEUs), and we may accept other relevant CEUs from authorized professional organizations like the American Therapeutic Recreation Association, National Council on Therapeutic Recreation Certification, and Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.