Many Thanks to the Recreational Therapy Community for Helping Us Prepare Our PBS Training Webinars

Just a Quick Thank you to the Recreational Therapy / Therapeutic Recreation Professionals that Helped!


Just a quick thank you to the number of TR / RT professionals who kindly helped us with the multiple webinar training sessions development before delivery to the Public Broadcast Service (PBS) network staff.

This includes professors and professionals form all over the country, and especially members of:

  • Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association - pnwatra

  • Pacific Northwest Therapeutic Recreation Association -

  • American Therapeutic Recreation Association -

The training programs they contracted us to create and deliver are helping them learn about Therapeutic Recreation / Recreational therapy, application to various games, use of role-playing games for educational and therapeutic goals, and greater consideration for accessibility and adaptation in all of their television, community, and online programming, as well as how they run meetings internally to be more considerate for people with a wide range of disabilities.

You can read more about the webinar topics here:

Everyone's feedback was very helpful.

Thank you so much!

Looking for professional training services related to role-playing games? We have been providing these research and evidence-in-practice proven services for decades. Contact us today for a consultation, or see our Events Page for upcoming training sessions. Or contact us to sign up for our waiting list to register in May to use our self-paced online training platform through RPG.Education.

If you need direct professional RPG services provided to achieve education or therapeutic goals for individuals, groups, or organizations. Contact us today!