Role-Playing Game Tools
This section contains a variety of tools we use with our programs
Publicly Available Tools: Most of the tools we make freely available to the general public, however some of our content has copyright restrictions that limit our ability to free share them. The tools with restrictions are only available to staff, authorized service providers, and other special member access.
Private Access Only Tools: This section contains that tools that we are not yet able to share openly with the general public. We always strive towards providing as much of our content as free and open as we possibly can, but occassionally complications restrict our ability to freely share everything despite our best intentions. This section is only available to staff, authorized services providers, or other special membership access.
Publicly Available Tools
Begin list Here:
BFRPG Accessible Player Character Sheet Design 1
BFRPG Accessible Player Character Sheet Design 2
BFRPG Complex Player Character Sheet Design 1
GM Rosters:
BFRPG and other d20
AiME & LotR
MERP & Rolemaster
Initiative Tents
BFRPG and other d20
AiMe & LotR
MERP & Rolemaster
Private Access Only Tools
Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person.
AAF:RPG: Actvity Analysis Form: Role-Playing Game
CARBE Scale: Game Complexity, Accessibility, Risk, and Barriers to Entry Scale
GPAF: Gaming Preferences Assessment Form
GIAT: Genre Interest Assessment Tool
OIS11: Observed Immersion Scale - 11 point unipolar scale
PAFEF5- RPG Participant Activity Feedback Evaluation Form – 5 point Likert
PAFEF11 – RPG Participant Activity Feedback Evaluation Form – 11 point unipolar scale
SIAT: System Interest Assessment Tool